Purity Ring
Item code RSPU2 - Purity Ring made from brushed metal hypo allergenic stainless steel. This ring is etched with the word "Purity" that is accented with flowers and butterflies in between. The word purity is etched twice in the front and back sides of the ring and on the sides of the ring in between the purity text we feature the heart - butterfly - flower - heart - butterfly - flower iconic symbols. The art flows around the band. Brushed metal Stainless Steel.This is not always the Rule for others who just want to be pure at all times
The American Heritage Dictionary gives us more on what means.- Item RSPU2
- Hypo allergenic
- Sizes 5-10
- Stainless steel
- Ring Measures 5 mm wide
- Laser etched
- Comfort fit style
- Brushed metal finish
- Matching Bracelet item SCPU
What does it mean to have heart, flower, and butterfly emoji's all on one bracelet?
Butterflies on the Purity Ring are developed to overwhelmingly, honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and Faith. Because of its impressive process of metamorphosis. From egg, to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) and from the cocoon the butterfly emerges in her unfurling glory.
Consider for a moment the kind of energy this little creature of God expends. If we as humans were to go through this kind of change we'd freak out! But spiritually we do as we become born again in Christ. Imagine it.
This is the deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly. As a new Christian believer we should accept the changes in our lives as casually as butterfly does. As the butterfly unquestioningly embraces the changes of the environment. Changes in its body. So should we in our spiritual body and outward attitude.
This unwavering acceptance of this metamorphosis is also symbolic of Christian faith in Jesus. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. The Butterfly of Christ surely understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of Life. Jesus asks us to recognize the same.
The Flowers on this Purity item represents what every flower lover knows. Flowers have a special language of their own that God designed. Every sentiment is expressed in one form or another by these fragile flower blooms. Flowers are a perfect example of human life. From planting, to growing, to blooming. Our spiritual was all symbolically starts with Jesus... We are a seed, that is watered and nourished by the word of God. We grow strong in the Lord and we reach our maturity and Christ and be bloom and become pleasant and attractive to a dying world. That is how the lost find the Good News Of Jesus Christ, by our blooms. The "heart shape" (?) is used to express the idea of the "heart" in its metaphorical or symbolic sense. It can be used as the center of our emotion, including affection and love for Christ and waiting for true love.